

The International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems (ICCAS) was inaugurated on October 17, 2001 to bring together researchers and engineers in the fields of control, automation, robotics, and systems engineering while they have different backgrounds such as electrical, mechanical, aeronautical, chemical engineering and etc. The ICCAS, organized by the Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems (ICROS), has been consistently successful for over 20 years hosting approximately 450 to 550 papers from well over 25 countries per year.

The organizing committees of the ICCAS have put ever increasing efforts to improve the quality of the programs and the review of the submitted papers.

The proceedings of the ICCAS are regularly indexed in the IEEE Xplore, SCOPUS, and EI Compendex. The ICCAS is regularly co-sponsored technically by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Industrial Electronics Society; IEEE Robotics and Automation Society; IEEE Control Systems Society; Society of Instrumentation and Control Engineers (SICE); Asian Control Association (ACA); Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society (ISA); Chinese Automatic Control Society (CACS); Technical Committee on Control Theory of Chinese Association of Automation (TCCT, CAA); Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI) Association; Chinese Association of Automation; and Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI).

ICCAS 2024: Oct. 29~ Nov. 2, 2024, Jeju Shinhwa World, Jeju, Korea
(The 24th International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems)
General Co-Chair: Poogyeon Park (POSTECH, Korea)

Program Co-Chairs: Jaeheung Park (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea), Yongsoon Eun (DGIST, Korea)

ICCAS 2023: Oct. 17~ 20, 2023, Yeosu Venezia Hotel & Utop Marina Hotel, Korea
(The 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems)
General Co-Chair: Young Il Lee (SeoulTech, Korea)

Program Co-Chairs: Juhoon Back (Kwangwoon Univ., Korea), Soohee Han (POSTECH, Korea)

ICCAS 2022: Nov. 27~Dec. 1, 2022. BEXCO, Busan, Korea
(The 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems)
General Co-Chair: Jae Weon Choi (Pusan Nat’l Univ., Korea)
Program Co-Chairs: Poogyeon Park (POSTECH, Korea), Young Soo Suh (Ulsan Univ., Korea)

ICCAS 2021: Oct. 12~ 15, 2021. Ramada Plaza, Jeju Island, Korea
(The 21st International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems)
General Co-Chair: Seul Jung (Chungnam Nat’l Univ., Korea)
Program Co-Chairs: Hyun Myung (KAIST, Korea), H. Jin Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea)

ICCAS 2020: Oct. 13~ 16, 2020. BEXCO, Busan, Korea (Online)
General Co-Chair: Kyung-Soo Kim (KAIST, Korea)
Program Co-Chairs: Hyo-Sung Ahn (GIST, Korea), Hyungbo Shim (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea)

ICCAS 2019: Oct. 15~ 18, 2019. ICC Jeju, Jeju Island, Korea
General Co-Chair: Jay H. Lee (KAIST, Korea)
Program Chair: Dong Eui Jang (KAIST, Korea)

ICCAS 2018: Oct. 17~ 20, 2018. YongPyong Resort, PyeongChang, Korea
Organizing Chair: Sungwan Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Jung Kim (KAIST, Korea)ICCAS 2017: Oct. 18~ 21, 2017. Ramada Plaza, Jeju Island, Korea
Organizing Chair: Doyoung Jeon (Sogang Univ., Korea)
Program Co-Chairs: Hyosung Ahn (GIST, Korea), Guang Ren Duan (Harbin Inst. of Tech., China), Kazuo Kiguchi (Kyushu Univ., Japan), Kai-Tai Song (Nat’l Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan)ICCAS 2016: Oct. 16~ 19, 2016. HICO, Gyeongju, Korea
Organizing Chair: Soon-Geul Lee (Kyung Hee Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Kang-Hyun Jo (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea)

ICCAS 2015: Oct. 13~ 16, 2015. BEXCO, Busan, Korea
Organizing Chair: Myo-Taeg Lim (Korea Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Jae Weon Choi (PNU, Korea)

ICCAS 2014: Oct. 22~ 25, 2014. KINTEX, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Organizing Chair: Doo Yong Lee (KAIST, Korea)
Program Chair: Hyungbo Shim (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea)

ICCAS 2013: Oct. 20~ 23. 2013.Kimdaejung Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea
Organizing Chair: Jong-Oh Park (Chonnam Nat’l Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Sungchul Kang (KIST, Korea)

ICCAS 2012: Oct. 17~ 21, 2012. ICC Jeju, Jeju Island, Korea
Organizing Chair: Chul-Goo Kang (Konkuk Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Euntai Kim (Yonsei Univ., Korea)

ICCAS 2011: Oct. 26~ 29. 2011. KINTEX, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Organizing Chair: Chung Choo Chung (Hanyang Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Hyochoong Bang (KAIST, Korea)

ICCAS 2010: Oct. 27~ 30. 2010. KINTEX, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Organizing Chair: Jae-Bok Song (Korea Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Myo-Taeg Lim (Korea Univ., Korea)

ICCAS-SICE 2009 (ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference)
Aug. 18~ 21. 2009, Fukuoka International Congress Center, Fukuoka, Japan
Organizing Co-Chairs: Keigo Watanabe (Saga Univ., Korea), Keum Shik Hong (PNU, Korea)
Program Co-Chairs: Kazushi Nakano (Univ. of Electro-Communications, Japan, Kenji Sugimoto (Nara Inst. Sci. and Tech., Japan), Chung Choo Chung (Hanyang Univ., Korea)

ICCAS 2008: Oct. 14~ 17, 2008. Seoul, COEX, Korea
Organizing Chair: Youngjin Park (KAIST, Korea)
Program Chair: Doo Yong Lee (KAIST, Korea)

ICCAS 2007: Oct. 17~ 20, 2007. Seoul, COEX, Korea
Organizing Chair: Min-Jea Tahk (KAIST, Korea)
Program Chair: Youngjin Park (KAIST, Korea)

SICE-ICCAS 2006 (SICE-ICROS International Joint Conference)
Oct. 18 ~ 21. 2006, BEXCO, Busan, Korea
Organizing Chair: Jin Bae Park (Yonsei Univ., Korea)
Program Co-Chairs: Min Cheol Lee (PNU, Korea), Eitaku Nobuyama (Kyushu Inst. Tech., Japan)

ICCAS 2005: Jun. 2 ~ 5, 2005. KINTEX, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Organizing Chair: Kwee-Bo Sim (Chung-Ang Univ., Korea)
Program Co-Chairs: Jang Myung Lee (PNU, Korea), Keigo Watanabe (Saga Univ., Japan)

ICCAS 2004: Aug. 25 ~ 27, 2004. The Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Organizing Co-Chairs: Tawil Paungma (KMITL, Thailand) ,Sang Chul Won (POSTECH, Korea)
Program Chair: Quen Pinngern (KMITL, Thailand)

ICCAS 2003: Oct. 22 ~ 25, 2003. TEMP Hotel, Gyeongju, Korea
Organizing Chair: Chongkug Park (Kyung Hee Univ., Korea)
Program Chair: Jae-Bok Song (Korea Univ., Korea)

ICCAS 2002: Oct. 16 ~ 19, 2002. Muju Resort, Jeonbuk, Korea
Organizing Chair: Uk-Youl Huh (Inha Univ., Korea)
Program Co-Chairs: Jin Geol Kim (Inha Univ., Korea), Ki Heon Park (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea)

ICCAS 2001: Oct. 17 ~ 21, 2001. Jeju University, Jeju, Korea
(The 1st International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems)
Organizing Chair: Hyungsuck Cho (KAIST, Korea)
Program Chair: Ju-Jang Lee (KAIST, Korea)