Author’s Guideline for Paper Submission

Author’s Guideline for Paper Submission
♣Paper Template of ICCAS 2025 
♣Submission Type
  • Regular Paper (3~6 pages)

Full papers must be submitted for review. Authors can choose whether the paper will be indexed in IEEE Xplore, SCOPUS, and EI compendex or not. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

  • Organized Session (1~6 pages)

Organized Session will be organized to present work that surrounds unified themes and the organizer can set up the presentation time. Authors who accept invitations from organizers may submit their work as “Organized Session Paper”.

  • Interactive Poster Paper (1~2 pages)

Interactive Poster Papers must be submitted for review.  Interactive Poster Paper is aimed to present the result of your research in more Interactive way with audiences.

  • Dissemination Paper

Dissemination contributions provide opportunities to authors whose papers have been recently accepted by journals to showcase their results to a broader audience at the ICCAS 2025.  The titles and abstracts will be included in the conference program, but they will NOT be included in proceedings.


The International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems (ICCAS) aims to bring together researchers and engineers in the fields of control, automation, robotics, and systems engineering. The scope of the conference is well aligned with the scope of the International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS).

The purpose of the ICCAS with IJCAS option is to provide a possibility to publish a paper in the Journal, but present it at ICCAS. The authors can submit an extended abstract (1 or 2 pages) to ICCAS, and simultaneously submit a journal version (at least 6 pages) to IJCAS. Note that the submission deadline for such joint contributions is May 31, 2025.

Authors of conference papers submitted at ICCAS 2025 ( are encouraged to submit extended versions (at least 6 pages) to the Special Issue of ICCAS 2025 of the International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS). The manuscript submitted to the special issue should be an extended version from the conference version.

Submitted manuscripts to the special issue should neither have been published nor be under review elsewhere. They will undergo peer-review following the IJCAS author guidelines. Accepted papers are tentatively scheduled for publication in the 2025 issue of IJCAS.

What is the ICCAS with IJCAS option?

A manuscript submitted to ICCAS with IJCAS option may be accepted both by ICCAS and IJCAS, by one of them, or by neither. If the paper is accepted only by IJCAS it will appear on Web of Science as a journal paper. If it is accepted only by ICCAS, it will be considered as a normal ICCAS paper.

How to submit the papers to ICCAS and IJCAS?

The authors should submit an extended abstract (1 or 2 pages) to ICCAS, and simultaneously submit a journal version (at least 6 pages) to IJCAS.

1) At ICCAS (, please check the “Yes” option as:

I like to submit the extended version of this paper to IJCAS.  Yes  No
(If IJCAS accepts your extended paper, the conference paper will not
be indexed in IEEE Xplore. You should also present the paper at ICCAS 2025.)

2) At IJCAS (, the authors should select the “Special Issue: ICCAS 2025” category.

3) After completing the submission to ICCAS and IJCAS, please inform us of your ICCAS paper number to IJCAS Secretariat at

Important Dates for IJCAS 
Submission of Manuscripts: May 31, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: August 31, 2025
Submission of Final Papers: October 31, 2025
Publication: January 2026 (Tentative)